Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The student will research the topic of Communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities. The student will further research the development of a C - EssayAbode

The student will research the topic of Communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities. The student will further research the development of a C

The student will research the topic of Communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities. The student will further research the development of a Communication Passport for students with significant disabilities. They will create a sample Communication Passport for a student with significant communication disabilities. 

Assignment Rubric

Rubric Competencies


(a) Research was conducted on the topic of communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities an extensive discussion (i.e., 2-3 pages) with references was evident. 


(b) A descriptive background of the Case was provided in the Communication Passport. 


(c) The passport was organized, and it included a cover, table of contents, page numbers. etc.


(d) The passport addressed a minimum of 20 areas related to the student including the following areas:

  1. About the child
  2. How is Sight and Hearing
  3. Family
  4. Friends
  5. Special Places and Things
  6. How child communicates
  7. Dislikes
  8. Challenging Behaviors
  9. School Projects
  10. OTHER areas as appropriate for case.


(e) The passport provided extensive supporting visuals, pictures, etc..


(f) The passport was free of spelling or grammatical errors


Total Points5


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