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What impact does international marketing have on firms and consumers? Is it beneficial to all concerned?

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MRKT424:7: Online International Marketing

Discussion 1.2

As per the Cengage Textbook: Define International Marketing

Discussion 1.3

What impact does international marketing have on firms and consumers? Is it beneficial to all concerned?

Discussion 2.1

How can trade become a detriment?

Discussion 2.2

Should countries restrict foreign direct investment in their domestic industries?

Assignment 2.1. (2 PGS)

Review the "Explore The Globe" Chapter 2.

Review and summarize your best response for the following questions. 

What are the major branches of the World Bank, and what are their missions? (Use information from the World Bank at 

For the latest year, what are the five leading country exporters of world merchandise? What are the five leading country exporters of commercial services? (Use data from the World Trade Organization at

Writing Requirements

· APA format, Use the APA template located in the  Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.


CLASS: PSYC201:7: Online Principles of Psychology featuring

BOOK: PSYCH, 6th Edition Spencer A. Rathus


Discussion 1.2

Is it ethical for psychologists to deceive research participants on the methods and objectives of their research? What are ways that protect subjects from participation in experiments that might be harmful to them?   Things to discuss are: informed consent, human subjects committee, APA guidelines for ethics with animals and human subjects and subject debriefment. Similarly, why are double blind experiments done?  

Below is a short you tube video that discusses the concept of ethics and psychology.  It references many experiments that we will discuss this semester.  Although we learned a great deal from these, today they would be deemed unethical.  Is it wrong to learn and teach about concepts we have learned from unethical research?

Play Video

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5 Controversial Psychology Experiments That Would Never Happen Today

Discussion 2.1

What is the difference between sensation and perception?  Why is it that perceptions vary from person to person?  In other words, what are the contributing factors that differentiate the interpretation? Is one person right and another wrong?  Perceptual differences can be seen not only in physical sensations, but thought processes and therefore belief systems. 

Discussion 2.2

Physiological Pain

Research into the experience of pain is a rapidly expanding field. Why can some people tolerate great amounts of pain while others can tolerate no pain at all?

Discussion 3.1

Why do you think we dream?  Please discuss the theories mentioned in the book, and let me know which if any you prescribe to.

Discussion 3.2


Please watch the video below and tell me what you learned about classical and operant conditioning. This video is a great overview of chapter 5.

Discussion 4.1


Please watch this Ted talk by Elizabeth Loftus, who was mentioned in the chapter and has a long contribution to false memories. Then, tell me what you learned from the video in terms of what creates false memories.



This assignment consists of short answer questions that encompass chapters covered thus far.  Please answer them in your own words.  If references are used, please provide citations.

1. Chapter 1 covered psychological research and the different methods one can use.  Please explain the following and give me an example of each: case study, survey and naturalistic observation.  

2. Chapter 4- Why do we need sleep?  How does it impact learning and memory?

3. Chapter 5- Explain how Pavlov discovered classical conditioning while working with dogs and measuring salivation responses.  Please identify what the neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus and conditioned responses were.

4.  Explain generalization and discrimination in terms of classical and operant conditioning.

5. Please explain the four basic reinforcement schedules for operant conditioning.  In addition, please give me an example and tell me what type of responding occurs with each, as well as which is harder to extinguish.  

6. Observational learning is another form of learning that was studied by Bandura.  Please watch the video below an tell me what you learned about how violence can be learned in children.  

7. We tend to measure memory by  recognition, recall and relearning.  Please tell me what these are and give an example of each.

8.  What is a flashbulb memory?  How accurate is it?  Please give me an example.

9. Sue is studying for her test in the same room that she is going to take it.  She thinks this will give her a better chance of remembering what she learned.  Similarly, she makes sure she is drinking coffee during the test as she was drinking coffee when she studied.  What behavior is she exhibiting?  Can memory be context and state dependent?

10. In your own words, tell me one thing you have learned this semester.  Has your understanding of what psychology is changed since the start of the class?

Writing Requirements

· APA format only in use of in-text references, reference page, cover page and general formatting to include correct font, page numbering, formatted margins and double spacing. You can list the questions by numbers without any headings. 

· APA template located in the  Student Resource Center  to complete the assignment.

Discussion 5.1

Innate or Learned

Is language learned or is it innate. Discuss why or why not.




Discussion 5.2

 Intrinsic motivation is when we are motivated by internal factors and the rewards are internal like joy or satisfaction.  Extrinsic motivation is when we are motivated by external factors like a grade or money.  Research has shown that when those who are originally motivated by internal factors begin to receive external rewards, their motivation diminishes.  For example, a person who paints suddenly gets a job to paint portraits for money, and they start to dislike painting.  What motivates you in your life?   

Discussion 6.1


The following is a video demonstrating Piaget's theory in terms of stages of cognitive development.  What do you think of his theory?  Do you think there are any flaws?  Do you think it is applicable to cognitive development today?

Discussion 6.2

Note the infamous statement made by Watson: “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even into beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.” The source can be found at Watson, J.B. (1926). What the Nursery Has to Say about Instincts. In C. Murchison (Ed.), Psychologies of 1925 (pp. 1–34). Worchester, MA: Clark University Press


What’s your opinion based on your understanding of what you have read, reviewed, and studied in the course at this point in time?

Is it Believable; Relevant; and/or Plausible? 

Discussion 7.1

Discuss the problems with stress and health. What are some recommendations to improve one’s health and reduce stress?


Discussion 7.2

Chapter 12 covered psychological disorders.  There are a number of different classifications in terms of mood disorders, and there is a classification system utilized to determine who is diagnosable with a particular disorder.  This is the DSM.  I am interested in knowing what you feel the difference is between being sad and being depressed.  What are the symptoms of clinical depression?  Similarly, what are signs of suicidal ideology? 


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