Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important. For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social - EssayAbode

Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important. For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social

  • Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important.
  • For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional development and the atypical development of a student with the specified disability. Include examples of how the milestones may present differently for students with and without each disability.
  • For each disability category, explain at least one specially designed instructional strategy that could be used to enhance academic achievement.
  • For each disability category, explain at least one environmental strategy (how you would change the classroom environment) to increase success in the classroom setting.
  • Title slide, reference slide, and speaker notes.

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