Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this week's assignment, you will develop a rough draft outline for your Final Project in Week 5. Looking ahead and starting to think about a language a - EssayAbode

For this week’s assignment, you will develop a rough draft outline for your Final Project in Week 5. Looking ahead and starting to think about a language a

Rough Draft of Final Project

For this week’s assignment, you will develop a rough draft outline for your Final Project in Week 5. Looking ahead and starting to think about a language and cognition intervention plan will help you be successful later in the course. This assignment can be developed in outline form but the more detail you provide, the more feedback your instructor will be able to provide you.

o prepare for your assignment:

Develop your Intervention Plan Outline addressing the following requirements:

  • Professional Role and Philosophy:
    • Describe your current or future role as an early childhood development professional.
    • Include the setting and age level that you will be working with in your specific role.
    • Describe the theoretical framework that most aligns with your professional philosophy of cognitive and language development in diverse learners. Refer back to Week 1 Theories of Language Development and Week 2 Theories of Cognitive and Language Development discussions for support.
  • Case Study:
    • Develop a Case Study including a summary of the child’s strengths, in all developmental areas.
    • Develop a summary of the child’s challenges including specifics on their cognitive or language delay or disorder. Include a specific description of what the child can and cannot do. Be sure to include specific developmental milestones in functional performance of how the student’s disability or disorder affects his/her involvement and progress in the general educational setting. Refer back to Week 3 Language Development Milestones discussion for support.
  • Goals:
    • List one short-term goal that you could develop for the child. Visit the All Developmental Milestones: Guide to Baby’s Speech and Language DevelopmentLinks to an external site. for identifying one area that you could enhance to help support the child’s language and cognitive development, then develop one short-term goal. An example of a goal might be, “A vocabulary goal for [Child’s Name] will be to identify three colors using words (red, blue, green) by [Insert date].
    • List one long-term goal that you could develop for the child. Visit the Pathways Milestones checklist for identifying one area that you could enhance to help support the child’s language and cognitive development. An example of a goal might be, “A conversation goal for [Child’s Name] will be to have two back-and-forth dialogs with another child by [Insert date].
  • Proposed Intervention:
    • Explain at least two intervention strategies you may implement to help support the child’s language and cognitive development. Include a rationale for each strategy.
    • If necessary, include specific resources you will utilize to support her/his growth.
    • You will be exposed to additional interventions in the upcoming weeks of the course.

    The Writing Center is a resource for students to help them improve their writing using college-level writing skills. After you complete this assignment, visit the Revision Checklist Download Revision Checklistand evaluate your writing using the checklist. Be sure to print this checklist out so that you can have it for your personal use to support the development of your Final Project.The Rough Draft of Final Project

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length in outline or written form (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. (This will expand to three plus the text in the Final Project).
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. Please see the APA References ListLinks to an external site..

Case study 1

Reece aged 2 years 6 months is having trouble putting words together to make sentences. You have noticed that he is not combining words and seems to only copy words and phrases from other children in the group. He is not producing words spontaneously. The words Reece does use are not always pronounced correctly. Reece only recently started care in your program, and at the time of enrolment there was no mention of Reece having been diagnosed with a hearing loss, developmental delay or syndrome in which language might be affected. Reece’s parents are fluent in English, and you know English is the family’s primary language.

Case study 2

Kim, who is currently 36 months of age, began your program at age 17 months. Kim has functional receptive language skills and routinely follows 2-3 step directions. She knows the names of her toys, colors, and various household objects. Kim uses 2-3 word phrases, expresses her wishes and dislikes with both words and gestures. Her pronunciation has not kept up with the vocabulary she tries to use. Kim tantrums 1-3 times daily when she cannot communicate her desires, especially to her classmates, since Kim is very motivated to play with them. Kim both initiates and reciprocates play interactions with adults and other children. She picks up and hands others books to read or toys to play with. She needs a lot of adult facilitation and direction to imitate what the other children are doing. She loves making noises and shaking noisy toys. She laughs easily and cries when frustrated.”

Case study 3

Phillip is Kara’s quiet eight-month-old son. Recently, Kara noticed that Phillip doesn’t seem to respond when she calls his name. Kara asked her own mother about this, and after talking and playing with Phillip for a while they realized that he was also not making the babbling sounds, such as “ba-ba-ba” or “da-da-da,” that most infants tend to do. Kara and her mother spoke more about the situation, and Kara did remember that Phillip had failed the newborn hearing screening at the hospital where he was born; however, Kara had not been too concerned about his hearing because he did seem to react to noises sometimes and that he had startled to the sound of a pot falling to the floor a few nights before. Kara’s mother suggested they take Phillip to an audiologist.

Case study 4

Jason is a 30-month-old child who becomes upset easier than the other children in his class. Sasha, his child care teacher, constantly worries about upsetting Jason. He reacts to noises, he doesn’t like to eat when the other children do, and his sleeping habits are very unpredictable. Sasha often finds herself getting frustrated with Jason. Nothing seems to please him, and his temper tantrums seem to go on forever. Sasha worries that she spends too much of her time dealing with Jason’s outbursts and reactions. After speaking with Jason’s parents about his behavior, Sasha learned that his mother has been dealing with similar challenges with Jason at home. Vanessa, Jason's mom, has been very stressed out and also feels like she cannot predict how Jason will react to things. She mentioned that he is more difficult to handle than her other two children ever were. Sasha also pointed out that because of his reactions and discomfort, Jason often misses out on important learning opportunities throughout the day; she worries that his behavior is impacting his cognitive development. When the other children are singing and exploring, Jason is often having a tantrum.


Running head: ROUGH DRAFT 1


Rough Draft of Final Project

Your Name

ECD320: Cognition and Language Development

Instructor's Name


Tip: Delete these “tip” boxes before submitting your assignment.

Rough Draft of Final Project

Tip: To complete your assignment, replace the blue font in this template with your own content.

1. Professional Role and Philosophy

Tip: Refer back to the Theories of Language Development discussion (Week 1) and the Theories of Cognitive and Language Development discussion (Week 2).

a. Describe your current or future role as an early childhood development professional.

b. State the setting and age level that you will be working with in your specific role.

c. Identify the theoretical framework that most aligns with your professional philosophy of cognitive and language development in diverse learners.

2. Case Study

a. Child’s strengths.

Tip: Cover all developmental areas. Add sections here if needed.

i. Strength #1.

ii. Strength #2.

iii. Strength #3.

b. Child’s challenges.

i. Include specific information about the child’s cognitive or language delay or disorder.

Tip: Refer back to the Language Development Milestones discussion (Week 3).

Tip: Be sure to include specific developmental milestones in functional performance of how the student’s disability or disorder affects his/her involvement and progress in the general educational setting.

ii. Clearly state what the child can and cannot do.

iii. Describe how the student’s disability or disorder impacts his/her involvement and progress in the general educational setting.

c. Goals.

i. One short-term goal. Example Goal: A vocabulary goal for Tommy will be to identify three colors using words (red, blue, green) by April 10, 2017.

Tip: Visit the All Developmental Milestones: Guide to Baby’s Speech and Language Development for identifying one area that you could enhance to help support the child’s language and cognitive development, then develop one short-term goal.

ii. One long-term goal. Example Goal: A conversation goal for Tommy will be to have two back-and-forth dialogs with another child by July 10, 2017.

Tip: Visit this checklist to identify an area you could enhance to help support the child’s language and cognitive development.

d. Proposed Intervention.

i. Intervention Strategy #1: Name the first intervention strategy.

1. Rationale: Include a rationale for this strategy.

2. Specific Resources: If necessary, include specific resources you will use to support the child’s growth.

ii. Intervention Strategy #2: Name the second intervention strategy.

1. Rationale: Include a rationale for this strategy.

2. Specific Resources: If necessary, include specific resources you will use to support the child’s growth.

Tip: This assignment may be completed in this outline form. However, the more details you provide, the more feedback your instructor will be able to provide.


Please use APA format to cite and reference at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text. Remember, you MUST include in-text citations throughout your assignment to show your reader what information you used from outside sources. For help with in-text citations, please see this interactive tutorial. To see a sample reference page, please see this source.

Tip: In the final version of your assignment, be sure that all of your text uses a black font and that you have removed all of the prompt information in the template. If you need help with Microsoft Word, see this resource.

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