31 Dec Education 2 Lesson Plan assignment
Candidates add components taught in this module to the two lesson plans previously submitted in 700.4P Planning Instruction Part 2 for evaluation. This is the final evaluation of the lesson planning projects. Recall that you will use the same two lesson plans you have previously submitted in 700.4PBP. This performance-based assessment, 700.5PBP, continues with those same two plans, this time evaluating different parts of the lesson plan and the overall plan.
As before, this project is much more detailed than lesson plans typically used in the classroom. The performance-based assessments are designed to evaluate candidate skills in a comprehensive way; thus, candidates are asked to provide much more detail than in traditional plans so that the instructor is able to evaluate skills in these areas.
Questioning strategies and feedback
Accommodations and modifications
The extent to which the lesson is differentiated
Assessment for learning
The overall plan
For 700.5P, candidates submit two complete and original lesson plans for feedback and final evaluation. The parts of the lesson plan form that will be scored include Differentiation (Reteach and Extensions) Closure, Questions, Modifications and Accommodations, Assessments, and the Overall Plan.
While each lesson is designed to deliver the state-required content for the grade level, some students require additional learning supports to successfully access this content. Students who are learning the English language, or who have learning disabilities, are especially in need of these supports. There are multiple supports for learning that are available for all students; however, more intensive supports are often required for some learners with greater needs. These more intensive supports fall into two categories; accommodations and modifications.
NAME: Davielle Vinson SUBJECT/GRADE: 4TH Grade English Language Arts and Reading____
§110.6. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 4
“Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking—fluency”. The student reads grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. The student is expected to use appropriate fluency (rate, accuracy, and prosody) when reading grade-level text.
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking–vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will improve reading fluency and comprehension by practicing reading grade-level text with appropriate rate, accuracy, and expression. The student will also determine the meaning of and use words with specific affixes and roots.
-Students will read a selected passage aloud with fluency, demonstrating appropriate rate, accuracy, and expression.
-Students will complete a vocabulary quiz where they determine the meaning of words with specified affixes and roots.
MATERIALS and SETTING What materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab? |
Materials: Grade-level text passage, vocabulary list with affixes and roots, whiteboard, markers, flashcards, audio recording devices. Setting: Students will work in pairs and small groups in the classroom, with a reading corner for individual practice and recording. |
KEY VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC LANGUAGE What vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught? Include specific method for working with vocabulary ex: Marzano, Frayer model, Greek/Latin roots |
-Affixes: mis-, sub-, -ment, -ity/ty -Roots: auto, graph, meter -Fluency, rate, accuracy, prosody |
FOCUS ACTIVITY What activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosity |
-Show a short video clip of a fluent reader vs. a non-fluent reader -Ask students to discuss the differences they notice in pairs. |
CONNECTION TO PRIOR LEARNING OR REAL WORLD This is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson. |
-Remember how we talked about how we use prefixes and suffixes to figure out the meaning of new words? Today, we'll use those skills to read more smoothly and understand texts better, just like we need to read signs and instructions clearly in the real world. |
OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (including a performance behavior) This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure) |
– Today, we will practice reading smoothly and with expression. You will show that you can read fluently by reading a passage out loud and using your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to understand and use new vocabulary words. |
PURPOSE OF LEARNING Why do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives. |
-Learning to read fluently helps you understand what you read better, which is important for all your subjects in school and for reading things in real life like instructions or stories. Knowing how to figure out new words helps you become a better reader and writer. |
INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS Include: · Step by step instructions · Key points · Directions to give · Small group instructional plans · Differentiated Station Activities |
Step 1– Introduction (10 minutes) – Briefly review the importance of fluency and vocabulary. Explain that today’s lesson will focus on practicing these skills. – Write the key vocabulary words on the board. Step 2- Vocabulary Instruction (15 minutes) – Teach the meanings of the affixes and roots using examples. Use flashcards for practice. – Have students work in pairs to create sentences using the new vocabulary words. – Step 3- Fluency Practice (20 minutes) – Model reading a passage with appropriate fluency. Discuss what makes the reading fluent (rate, accuracy, expression). – Pair students and have them practice reading the same passage to each other, providing feedback. – Step 4: Independent Practice (15 minutes) – Students select a passage to read individually. They will record themselves reading using audio devices. – Students will listen to their recordings and self-assess using a fluency rubric. -Step 5: Vocabulary Quiz (10 minutes) – Administer a short quiz on the vocabulary words, focusing on the meanings of affixes and roots. |
LITERACY STRATEGIES USED **Specifically identify ways you are implementing literacy instruction! |
– Partner reading, modeling, use of technology for recording, vocabulary flashcards, self-assessment |
– Audio recording devices for self-assessment of fluency. |
CLOSURE Review: How will you cement the learning that has taken place in this lesson?
Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help them in upcoming lessons? |
– Review: Ask students to share one thing they learned about reading fluently and one new vocabulary word they found interesting. – Connect to future learning: "In our next lesson, we'll continue to practice our reading fluency with different types of texts. You'll also get to use these new vocabulary skills in your writing." |
The Reflection
1. Explain how the instructional strategies chosen help make the subject matter more accessible to students. For example, how did the strategies you chose facilitate learning for your EL students or your students who are below grade level?
The strategies used in this lesson, such as partner reading and vocabulary flashcards, provide opportunities for all students to engage with the material at their own level. Partner reading enables students to help each other; while using the audio recordings for the assessment assists students to listen to their improvement. Indeed, for English learners and the students in lower grades, gestures and repeat practices help in developing language and reading skills.
2. Explain the criteria used to group students (size of group, specific characteristics and needs of group members, etc).
– The students will be paired according to the ability level in order to promote mutual helpful reading groups. For the students who may have learning difficulties, some forms of learning may entail one on one coaching or grouped learning. The group size will not be large in order to ensure that there are adequate interactions as well as feedback sessions that may be carried out.
3. Explain how this lesson plan supports what we know about how learning occurs and how learners develop, construct meaning, and acquire knowledge and skills?
– This lesson is designed to respond to all types of learners, the auditory, the visualization type and the kinesthetic type. In this lesson, the student gains meaning construction using fluency modeling and comprehensible input and application of the bulk of newly acquired knowledge. The raise of self-assessment enhances higher order thinking skills that enable students to understand their learning processes.
4. How will you encourage a growth mindset and, thus, persistence, throughout this lesson?
– During the partner reading and individual practice, the students will be encouraged, and positive comments will be made to them. Focus on the progress and the effort of students makes them view the process as a development rather than focusing on the final result. Telling the students that the fluency and that skills in adding on to vocabulary are attainable, through practice will enhance determination, and endurance.
NAME: Davielle Vinson SUBJECT: Science
§112.15. Science, Grade 4
(b)(9) Organisms and environments. The student knows and understands that living organisms within an ecosystem interact with one another and with their environment. The student is expected to: “investigate that most producers need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food, while consumers are dependent on producers and other consumers for food.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will understand the roles of producers and consumers in an ecosystem and how they interact with each other and their environment.
-Students will create a food web diagram that includes producers, consumers, and decomposers.
-Students will write a short explanation of the relationships within their food web and how energy flows through the ecosystem.
MATERIALS and SETTING What materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab? |
– Materials: Pictures of various plants and animals, chart paper, markers, index cards, glue, scissors, handouts with vocabulary terms, interactive whiteboard. – Setting: Students will work in small groups at tables in the classroom. |
KEY VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC LANGUAGE What vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught? |
· Producer · Consumer · Decomposer · Ecosystem · food web · energy flow · photosynthesis · herbivore · carnivore · omnivore |
FOCUS ACTIVITY/ANTICIPATORY SET What activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosity |
Show a short video clip of a simple food chain. Discuss with students what they observed and how each organism is connected |
CONNECTION TO PRIOR LEARNING OR REAL WORLD This is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson. |
Remember how we learned about different types of animals and plants and their habitats? Today, we will see how they all depend on each other for food and energy in an ecosystem, just like how we depend on plants and animals for our food in real life. |
OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include the performance measure) This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure) |
Today, we will learn about the roles of producers and consumers in an ecosystem. You will create a food web diagram and write an explanation to show how these organisms interact and how energy flows through the ecosystem. |
PURPOSE OF LEARNING Why do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives. |
Understanding how living organisms depend on each other helps us appreciate the balance in nature and the importance of each species. It also helps us understand the impact we have on the environment and why it's important to protect it. |
INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS Include: Step by Step Instructions Key Points Directions to give |
Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes) · Briefly review the concept of ecosystems and introduce key vocabulary terms. · Write the key vocabulary words on the board and provide handouts with definitions. Step 2: Direct Instruction (15 minutes) · Use pictures and the interactive whiteboard to explain the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers. · Discuss examples of each and how they fit into a food web. Step 3: Guided Practice (20 minutes) · Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with pictures of various organisms. · Have groups sort the pictures into producers, consumers, and decomposers. · Groups will then arrange their pictures on chart paper to create a food web, showing how each organism is connected. Step 4: Independent Practice (15 minutes) · Students will write a short explanation of their food web, describing the relationships between the organisms and how energy flows through the ecosystem. Step 5: Vocabulary Activity (10 minutes) · Students will use index cards to create flashcards with the key vocabulary terms and their definitions. · In pairs, students will quiz each other on the vocabulary terms. |
Use of visual aids, interactive discussion, group work, writing explanations, and flashcards. |
Interactive whiteboard for direct instruction and visual display of food webs. |
CLOSURE: Review: How will you cement the learning that has taken place in this lesson? Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help them in upcoming lessons? |
-Review-Ask groups to share their food web diagrams and explanations with the class. – Connect to future learning: "In our next lesson, we will explore how changes in the environment can affect food webs and the balance of ecosystems." |
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Answer each of the following questions in the text box provided. Your answer should be written in complete sentences and be at least one and no more than three paragraphs per question.
1. Explain how the instructional strategies you chose for this lesson help your students learn the material. Consider the diverse learning needs in a typical classroom, including your students who are below grade level or English learners.
The use of visual aids and interactive activities helps all students engage with the material. Group learning prepares the students to work in groups and they learn a lot from their fellow colleagues, and use of models ensure that the concepts taught are well illustrated. The vocabulary flashcards are also useful in developing language skills of the ELs and below grade level students.
2. Explain what criteria you will use to group students. Include things such as group size, learner characteristic, special needs of specific students, etc.
In fairness of skills, the students will be placed in learning groups, so that that the groups will comprise of learners with different abilities and learning style. Organization will be such that the groups will have 3-4 students per group to ensure that there is proper group work as well as individual contribution. The special needs students will be grouped with their buddies where necessary, and other necessary accommodations will be made along the classroom grouping.
3. Explain how this lesson plan supports what we know about how learning occurs and how learners develop, construct meaning, and acquire knowledge and skills
This lesson covers generically involving visual, auditory a