01 Feb Interviewing Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will develop a semi-structured interview protocol. Select one person each (different people) from the following groups to interview. Interview one non-supervisory employee from local or state government, one citizen, one Christian from church, one businessperson, one educator, and one person from a civic or community group (Lion’s Club, Rotary, Senior Center volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, or similar group).
Keep copious notes and observations during the interviews: Not just their words but mannerisms during response.
For the protocol, develop a few questions concerning possible bullying of Christian employees who work in government and ask each person these questions. Audio record their responses and transcribe into a Word document. Take notes and use a checklist of the participants’ mannerisms during the interview.
Report your notes and observations in a Word document and in APA current edition format. Keep names anonymous and location anonymous. Just name them by the categories (government employee, citizen, Christian at church….) I gave you above.
Items to include are outlined as follows:
· Headings should be included and must conform to the content categories mentioned above. Use sections and section titles. Begin with an introduction section, then a transcript section that includes response transcripts for each respondent, a section of interview notes and observations, and end with a conclusion section.
· Introduction includes a review of relevant literature concerning government employee bullying. In the transcript section, includes a discussion of the data collection process, participant selection, and confidentiality and consent.
· Integrate biblical principles within the analysis of the paper.
· The paper should be in Word format (no txt or rtf files please), 8 to 10 pages in length (it depends on transcripts). Documents should be double-spaced and in APA current ed. format, including 10 cites and references.
· The 10 cites/references must be from peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations or textbooks and government documents. No blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or non-peer reviewed websites or other sources should be used.
· You should carefully edit your papers prior to submitting. All document file names should include the student’s name, PADM 812, and assignment name.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.