01 Feb The Gloria Tapes
The Gloria tapes showcase the approach of three of the pioneers in the foundation of individual psychotherapy and their very different approaches to the challenges of a single patient -Gloria. Review each of the videos below in preparation for completing this assignment.
All Three approaches at once
Car Rogers – Person Centered Therapy
Fritz Pearls – Gestalt Therapy
Albert Ellis – Rational Emotive Therapy
Assignment – I would like for you to watch the three approaches above. I have offered one link to allow you to watch the entire assignment at once, or individual links that will take you to each approach individually. The assignment will be easier if you watch all approaches in one sitting. After watching the video(s), address the following questions in a 3-5 page paper and submit to the Assignment Link for this assignment that will go through Turn It In.
Address these questions for each of the therapists
1) As you watch each technique (and doctor) what were your feelings? Did you like the therapist? Did you like the way he interacted with Gloria?
2) How did Gloria react to the therapist? Did she warm to the session with foundational rapport?
3) Do you feel that the approach was helpful to Gloria?
Which approach resonated most with you? Which approach would you be more likely to use with Gloria and other clients?