06 Feb For Part 2, you should have already conducted a 20-30 minute interview and recorded it using a recording device or your cellphone. Once you have done this
For Part 2, you should have already conducted a 20-30 minute interview and recorded it using a recording device or your cellphone. Once you have done this step, you will now proceed to transcribe your recorded interview. Please use the example I provided to help you out in what a transcription looks like. I also provided some guidance on coding (also covered in the audio lecture), so attempt to try to "analyze" your interview by inserting your own notes within the transcription. You can also insert notes at the end of the transcription. Remember–"coding" involves trying to observe any patterns and or themes in your interview. While this is challenging because you only conducted one interview, please attempt to do.
Coding Instructions:
· Initial Coding
· Go line-by-line. Ask of each discrete event, behavior, or place:
· What is this? What does it represent?
· What is this an example of?
· What is going on? What are people doing? What is the person saying? What are the assumptions made?
· Pay attention to meaning, tone, frequency, and passion
· Make a list of all of the categories/themes that emerge.
Example Interview Transcriptions
Your name: XXXXXXX
Your age: 27
Current Marital Status: single
Education:Bachelor's degree in architecture
Occupation: Designer
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexual Preference:
Interview Questions:
(stigma related to their relation to the community, stigma associated)
Interviewer: : Please tell me a little bit about yourself .
· Do you consider yourself a social person?
Interviewee: yes , and no. It's hard for me to open up at first but once i get to know someone and i get comfortable in the relationship then I get more comfortable and approachable.
Interviewer: Did you go to college?
Interviewee:Yes, woodbury university.
Interviewer: How do you identify sexually?
Interviewee: Homosexual
Interviewer: Do you feel like you're a member of the (LGBT) community?
Interviewee:No because i'm not as involved with the different organizations or different outlets there are.
Probe for NO
Interviewer: Why do you feel like you have not become a member of the LGBT community?
Interviewee:Because I have not been around the neighborhood as much.
Interviewer: Have you ever hung out in the LGBT areas ?
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: What do you normally do in those areas?
Interviewee:party , drinks, food, and hang out with friends.
Interviewer: Do you believe that the LGBT community is always a diverse crowd?
yes .
Interviewer: Do you feel like some members are better treated than others in the LGBT
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: If so how?
Interviewee:Because of their looks and the way they come across.
Interviewer: Do you feel like you have a great shot at dating your ideal partner?
Interviewee:no .
Interviewer: Why is that ?
Interviewee:Self esteem.
Interviewer: What are your experiences dating in the LGBT community?
Interviewee:They haven't been the best, but not the worst, so i guess if there is a line in the middle then that's where I am.
Interviewer: Do you feel like you have a specific preference?
Interviewer: Where did you get that preference ?
Interviewee:I guess you can say in my head, but with some help of.. . the media.
Interviewer: What does that preference consist of ?
Interviewee:Someone who doesn't come across as your stereotypical gay guy.
Interviewer: Do you feel that everyone in the LGBT community has a preference ?
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: Do you think preference is related to race?
· Probe for No
Interviewer: Is there a reason you don't feel race is a factor when choosing your preference?
Interviewee:No because i feel like everyone thinks is more about looks than anything. If someone has a sixpack. Someone has a good body. Or have great facial features. They would put away their racial background to the side because they are dating a good looking person.
Interviewer: Have you ever felt discriminated against in LGBT communities?
Interviewer: Why or why not did you feel discriminated against?
Interviewee:I'm not sure . I just have not been around much discrimination.
Interviewer: Do you feel like it's related to social class ?
Interviewer:Who is normally at the top of the social class?
Interviewer: Do you believe that discrimination is going on with the LGBT Community?
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: Why do you think that is?
Interviewee:Because everyone judges based on looks.
Interviewer: Do you feel like it's related to social class ?
Interviewer: Who is normally at the top of the social class?
Interviewer: Are they also the ones that live in LGBT Communities?
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: Do you think every ethnicity in the LGBT community have a chance at finding their ideal partners?
Interviewee:yes .
Interviewer: How so?
Interviewee:By keeping an open mind and never giving up.
Interviewer: Do you think race has a strong influence in the connection with someone else you can make in the LGBT Community?
Interviewee: Maybe, but at the moment no. because I feel like everyone is more inclined to accept some based on looks than race. I think the lgbt community is accepting in the fact that we have different backgrounds and different races. So thats a plus but where we lack acceptance is from appearances and looks.
Interviewer: Why do you think that is?
Interviewee:People care more about looks than race.
Interviewer: Has race played an influence in your connections?
Interviewer: How so?
Interviewee:I've dated different races.
Interviewer: If you were white you would receive the same treatment as of now In the LGBT?
Interviewee:If i was a good looking white male like i said with a six pack and muscles I would not be getting the treatment as I am now.
Interviewer: How would the treatment change?
Interviewee:Talking stereotypically , would probably be getting hit on 24/7 . getting free quote on quote drinks and the bar and things like that.
Interviewer: What if you were black ?
Interviewee:No, if you were a black , male with muscles you would still be getting the same treatment as someone who is white with muscles.
Interviewer: How would that treatment change if they wasn't above average in looks?
· It wouldn't be different it would be the same friendly , open.
Interview #2
Your name : XXXXXXX
Your age : 26
Current Marital Status : single
Education :Bachelor's degree
Occupation : Architectural job smith
Race/Ethnicity: Mexican/ latino
Interview Questions:
Interviewer: Please tell me a little bit about yourself,
Interviewer: Where did you grow up ?
Interviewee:Santa Clarita
Interviewer: Did you go to college ?
Interviewee:College of the Canyons then to woodbury University.
Interviewer: Are you a religious person ?
Interviewee:Mmmm. I used to be.
Interviewer: What is your sexual orientation ?
Interviewee:BI sexual
Interviewer: Do you feel like you're a member of the (LGBT) community ?
Probes for YES.
Interviewer: What makes you a member of the LGBT Community?
Interviewee:Because I feel like i fit into the spectrum of the community that. Idk its so wide that I feel like I fit in.
Interviewer: Is there anything you would like to change about the LGBT community?
Interviewee:From what i've noticed. I just hate how like judgemental people are with each other based on how they look and dress. That's really superficial and lame actually.
Interviewer:Do you feel that the LGBT community welcomes everyone?
Interviewer:Do you believe that the LGBT community is always a diverse crowd?
Interviewer: Do you feel like some members are better treated than others in the LGBT community?
· If so how?
Interviewee:yeah , more of a look. physical appearance rather than a personal. Human status.
Interviewer: Do you feel like you have a great shot at dating your ideal partner?
· Why is that ?
Interviewee: Yeah, one day I don't know who that is but yeah.
Interviewer: What are your experiences dating in the LGBT community?
Interviewee:My experiences i've had many. Kinda dating. I've dated long term like 5 months .
Interviewer: Do you feel like you have a specific preference?
Interviewer: Where did you get that preference ?
Interviewer: What does that preference consist of ?
Interviewee:latin , asian exotic mixed.
Interviewer: Do you feel that everyone in the LGBT community has a preference ?
Interviewee:I think so yeah. I think everyone has a preference regardless if you're part of that community or not.
Interviewer: Do you think preference is related to race?
Probe for Yes
Interviewer: Have you noticed that people prefer their own race when dating?
Interviewee:Yeah , I guess that’s because that is what I’ve dated.
Interviewer: Why do you think that is?
Interviewee:I think it is like maybe it's a comfort thing. Maybe with similar cultures you understand. It is a better way to understand that person.
Interviewer: Have you ever felt discriminated against in LGBT communities?
Interviewee : No…….. i would just say like those apps but that doesn't really mean anything. Because they are more about that preference of whether you want that person or not.
Interviewer: Tell me more about those apps?
Interviewee: Um well i've been on tinder. I've been on grindr. And they are so judgemental because you're picking someone solely based on their looks. Which is really bad in general . They have a bios you can read that and understand them better. In a matter of second you can either like them or not. And you can talk to them if they respond back. Sometimes people don't respond and sometimes they do.
Probe for No
Interviewer: Do you believe that discrimination is going on with the LGBT Community?
Interviewer: Why do you think that is?
Interviewee:Because appearance plays a big role in how you are treated.
Interviewer: Do you have friends that may have been discriminated against in the LGBT?
Interviewee:yeah .
Interviewer: Do feel like the discrimination is because of race ?
Interviewee:I think it was apperance, maybe they were too feminine?
Interviewer: Do you feel like social class can be a cause for discrimination in the LGBT ?
Interviewee:From what i've experienced I don't think so. But it kinda ties back to when people judge you for what you wear , which I think Is so stupid. Then maybe it is a possibility.
Interviewer: Who is normally at the top of the social class doing the judging ?
Interviewee:People that are wearing named brands and can afford it. From what i've seen because i'm fairly new to this community. Just what i've noticed. My friends friends will not talk to someone if they have ugly shoes. Which I think it's the most ridiculous thing.
Interviewer: “Do you think every ethnicity in the LGBT community have a chance at finding their ideal partners”?
Interviewee:”Yes , i think so it goes for anybody”.
Interviewer: “Do you think race has a strong influence in the connections you can make in the LGBT Community”?
Interviewee: “No, because you can be friends with someone that is not your same race and it wouldn't matter”.
Probe for No
Interviewer: “Why do you think that is”?
Interviewee: “Because i feel like in the workforce you can't be discriminated against for what you are i guess . dating wise if you are not someone's preference you are not someone's preference it's not going to happen. I mean that's what it comes down to . it's not just in this community it's anybody. It's like people at a bar hitting on someone.If they are not interested they are not interested”.
Interviewer:“ Has race played an influence in your connections in life within the LGBT community”?
Interviewee:“Hmmmmm.. No “…
Interviewer: “How so”?
Interviewer: “Does it play an influence in what jobs you get”?
Interviewee:”No i don't think so because i think that is all about your qualifications and your experience skills”.
Interviewer: “If you were white you would receive the same treatment as of now In the LGBT community” ?
Interviewee:”I don't think it would change I think it would be the same”.
Interviewer: “What if you were black”?
Interviewee:”NO. because i feel like regardless of what race you are you are still going to make friends and connect with people”.
Interviewer: “So that completes think interview thank you for your time. “
Letitia Ouyang
Dr. William Rosales
SOC 004
04 Febuary 2025
Homework #2
Final Interview Guide
By now you should have drafted and revised 8-10 open-ended questions to help prepare for
your 20-30-minute semi-structured interview. You should also have prepared at least 2
follow-up questions for each open-ended question. Please insert this information into the
template below.
Research Question: How do teachers influence the moral development of children in early
childhood education?
Case ID: 03262003
Pseudonym: Stephanie
Location: East Los Angeles College Library
Date: 02/04/2025
The Role of Teachers in Shaping Moral Development in Early Childhood
Semi-Structured Interview
Informed Consent:
Thank you for agreeing to consider participation in this study. This project examines how
teachers contribute to the moral development of young children. You were chosen to
participate because you are over the age of 18 and are capable of speaking on the topic.
Please know that your participation in the study is entirely voluntary. You are free to refuse to
participate or answer a question at any time. There is no right or wrong answer. You are also
free to withdraw from the study at any time. The only known benefit to your participation is
assisting me and helping advance knowledge. There is no known penalty to your participation
other than your time and possible discomfort while addressing certain questions. If you
consent to being audio recorded I will delete the audio files immediately after transcription. I
will not record your name or retain your identifying information on any transcripts. Your
personal information and findings from the interview will not be made public. Transcripts
and findings will be made available only to me, my classmates, and my professor, Dr.
William E. Rosales([email protected]).
Before we begin, do you have any questions?
If you decide to participate, your completion of the research procedures indicates your
consent, but before we begin I would also like to ask two questions:
1) Do you consent to being interviewed? Yes No
2) Do you consent to being audio recorded during your interview? Yes No
Thank you. The interview should take around 30 minutes. I will ask some questions about
experiences and observations and others about our thoughts, attitudes, and opinions. It is
important that I obtain accurate information and as much information as possible. Please
share stories and give examples whenever you can. I will help you along if you feel stuck.
Remember there’s no right or wrong answer.
Any questions?
Great! Let’s get started.
1. In what ways do you believe teachers contribute to the moral development of
young children?
a. Can you share an example of a situation where a teacher influenced a child's moral
b. How do teachers reinforce positive moral behavior in the classroom?
c. What strategies do you use to address moral dilemmas in young children?
2. What role does curriculum and classroom activities play in teaching moral
values to children?
a. Are there specific activities or lessons that you use to promote moral development?
b. How do you incorporate social-emotional learning in your teaching?
c. What challenges do you face when trying to integrate moral education into the
3. How do teachers model moral behavior for young children?
a. Can you provide an example of a time when you intentionally demonstrated a moral
b. How important do you think a teacher’s behavior is in shaping a child's moral values?
c. How do you address inconsistencies between what is taught and what children
observe outside of school?
4. What impact do external factors (e.g., family, culture, media) have on children's
moral development, and how do teachers navigate these influences?
a. How do you ensure that moral lessons align with diverse family values?
b. Have you encountered conflicts between classroom moral teachings and students'
home environments? How did you handle them?
c. What role do discussions about media and society play in your approach to moral
5. How do teachers address moral conflicts among students in early childhood
a. Can you describe a time when you helped resolve a moral conflict between students?
b. What techniques do you use to teach children about fairness, respect, and empathy?
c. How do you involve students in conflict resolution and moral decision-making?
6. What support or training do teachers receive to help foster moral development
in children?
a. Have you received any professional development related to moral education?
b. What resources do you think would better support teachers in this area?
c. What advice would you give to new teachers about integrating moral development
into their teaching?
7. How do teachers assess moral development in young children?
a. Do you use any formal or informal methods to evaluate moral growth?
b. How do you determine if children are internalizing the moral lessons taught in class?
c. What signs do you look for to assess moral maturity in early childhood?
8. What future improvements do you think could be made to strengthen the role of
teachers in fostering moral development?
a. What changes would you suggest in teacher training programs to enhance moral
b. How do you think schools can better support teachers in this role?
c. If you could implement one new initiative to support moral education, what would it
Great! That’s the conclusion of the interview. Thank you for your time and I wish you the
best of luck. If you have any questions you may contact me via email at
East Los Angeles College