14 Feb When faced with a difficult decision or set of decisions, as in teen pregnancy, creating a decision-making worksheet can be a valuable tool. This is simi
When faced with a difficult decision or set of decisions, as in teen pregnancy, creating a decision-making worksheet can be a valuable tool. This is similar to making a pros and cons list which you may already do. For this assignment, you will all be writing about teen pregnancy
Due Date: . . Points: 100 Overview: When faced with a difficult decision or set of decisions, as in teen pregnancy, creating a decision-making worksheet can be a valuable tool. This is similar to making a pros and cons list which you may already do. For this assignment, you will all be writing about teen pregnancy. Instructions:
• In a paragraph or two, define the problem. • Consider the alternative ways to address the problem. Write about all that you
can think of, but you are required to identify at least four. • Next, consider both the positive and negative consequences of each option.
Discuss at least two positive and two negative consequences for each alternative.
• Then discuss your values that most relevant to the decision. Some of these values may conflict with the others, or conflict with family, community, or cultural values. The point here is not to make judgments on which values are right or wrong but to focus on your individual values, how you define them, and how they impact your decision.
• Write a list of other people who may be impacted by any of the alternatives/decisions.
• Finally, based on all the above, what do you feel is the best decision for you in this scenario?
• After identifying your best option, please discuss how it felt to complete this process. What was challenging? How does this help to provide insight into the decision-making process of people in crisis?
• Submit a Word document in APA format. • Maximum 2 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages. • At least two resources, in addition to the course textbook.
HSV368 – Crisis Intervention
Decision Making
HSV368–Crisis Intervention
Decision Making
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Decision Making Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement
Proficient Exemplary
0-23 Points 24-31 Points 32-39 Points 40 Points Structure Well- developed paragraphs, complete sentences, title page, body of work meets requirements, references, followed the example specifically
Organizational structure and paragraphing have serious and persistent errors. Directions were ignored and information provided was insufficient to meet assignment guidelines.
Written work inadequate for college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are inadequate; inappropriate guidelines outlined for paper were not met with several problems (see directions).
Written work is clear and adequate college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are adequate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met with a few noted problems (see directions).
Written work is clear and excellent college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met (see directions).
0-29 Points 30-39 Points 40-49 Points 50 Points Content Demonstrates knowledge of topics, through discussion of concepts, appropriate integrate of topics on directions; scholarly journal use
Written work does not cover the assigned topic; assertions are not supported by evidence; paper is seriously lacking in content and detail; scholarly journals were not used or used properly.
Written work does not do an adequate job of covering the assigned topic; assertions are weakly supported by evidence; paper is inadequate in meeting the page and content area requirements; less than 2 scholarly
The length of the written work is sufficient to cover the topic; assertions are supported by evidence; does not meet full required number of pages and content areas. 2 scholarly journals were used.
The length of the written work provides in- depth coverage of the topics, assertions are clearly supported by evidence; Paper meets required length of pages and content areas; 2 or more scholarly journals were used.
journals were used.
0-5 Points 6-7 Points 8-9 Points 10 Points Mechanics Spelling; grammar; use of APA style
Written work had serious and persistent errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was inappropriate and with serious errors; APA style was completely unacceptable.
Written work had several major errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was inappropriate; APA style was unacceptable with a few to multiple errors.
Written work was generally free of errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was adequate; APA style was acceptable with a few errors.
Written work has no major errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was appropriate; APA style was acceptable with no to few errors.
- Overview:
- Instructions:
- Requirements:
- Evaluation Rubric for Decision Making Assignment